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Home | Programs | Neighbourhood Programme Romania-Serbia 2004-2006

Neighbourhood Programme Romania-Serbia 2004-2006

The global objective of the Neighbourhood Programme 2004- 2006 is: "to achieve the balanced socio-economic development on the border area between Romania and Serbia by establishing the principle of cross-border co-operation.

Two strategic goals reinforce the global objective:

  •       to increase the overall competitiveness of the regional economy, and
  •       to improve the quality of living standards for the areas population

Details about the program, calls for proposal and info packs you can find here.

For succeeded finance projects in Calls for Proposals 2004 and 2005 of Neighbourhood Program Romania-Serbia about visual identity, please acces here.

More information about Visual Identity Manual you can refer to:
Carmen Stojanovic, Head of HR and Communication Department

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