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START - Danube Region Project Fund

22 Luly 2014

The first call for project proposals within the START Programme – Danube Region Project Fund is launched under the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). START is financed and coordinated under PAC 10 - Priority area 10 of the EUSDR.

The START Programme addresses beneficiaries formed as public and private legal entities – small scale institutions and organizations of the civil society. START will offer support for the preparation and promotion of projects relevant for the Danube region, projects which target issues from at least one EUSDR priority area and are initiated with partners from at least two EUSDR states, as is the case for Romania and Serbia.

The project value within the START Programme will range from € 10.000 to € 40.000 per project, and the co-financing value from the beneficiaries will cover 10% of the project value.
The applications will be uploaded on-line, from the 15th to the 17th of September 2014. The total allocation to START amounts to € 900.000, financed for 95% by the European Commission and for 5% by the City of Vienna.

More information regarding the START Programme and the application process can be obtained by accessing:


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