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Interreg 25 years Project Slam - Call for proposal NOW OPEN!

21 April 2015

Let's showcase your best example during the Interreg 25 years' celebration event! The Project Slam will be part of the conference “25 years of Interreg” which will take place on 15th/16th September 2015 in Luxembourg under the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The 1 hour slot for the Project Slam is scheduled for the late afternoon of day 1.

The Project Slam session will present high impact Interreg projects in an entertaining and easy to understand way to the audience and stakeholders in the framework of the celebration of the 25th anniversary.

For the Project Slam a nomination process is open to Interreg Programmes (including IPA Programmes) and its main goal is to identify good ETC/Interreg projects and results to be showcased by the voice of their protagonists.

The Call for proposals is directed to identify high impact Interreg project examples coming from the Programmes applying with a proposal, and speakers

Interreg Programmes NOW have the opportunity to apply by submitting a proposal of their best project example!

Applications must be submitted by Programmes via e-mail at the following address:

Last date of application: 29 May 2015 at noon (12:00 CET).

For more information you can contact:

See and download the Call for proposals and the Application templates

Be part of the Interreg 25 years celebrations!


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