European Commission has approved Cross-border Cooperation Programme Romania-Serbia for 2007-2013 period.
1 April 2008
Official Statement
European Commission has approved, with Decision C(2008) 1076 from 27 march 2008, Cross-border Cooperation Programme Romania-Serbia for 2007-2013 period.
The programme is financed by European Union through Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) and co-financed by the countries part of this programme.
The programme it’s addressed to eligible Romanian-Serbian cross-border area from 3 counties: Timis, Caras-Severin, Mehedinti (Romanian part) and 5 districts: Severno-Banatski, Srednje-Banatski, Južno-Banatski, Branievski and Borski (Serbian part).
For 2007-2009 period, the programme budget is 23.010.661 Euro, and for 2010-2013 period it will be established during year 2008.
The new Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) became operational at 1st January 2007, reuniting all pre-accession assistances into one single instrument.
From this programme, projects will be financed in priority axes and measures: environment and emergency preparedness, as well as actions for local communities from cross-border counties and districts, promoting “people to people” exchanges, support for small-scale environmental and local infrastructure development.
Eligible partners for the programme are regional and local authorities, NGO’s, representative associations and organisations, universities, research institutes, education and training organisations.
Source: www.mdlpl.ro