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Joint Monitoring Committees for the Romania - Serbia Cross-border Cooperation Programmes

17 August 2015

During 13-14 August 2015, the ninth meeting of the Joint Monitoring Committee for Romania-Republic of Serbia IPA CBC Programme (JMC 2007-2013) and the first meeting of the Joint Monitoring Committee for Interreg-IPA CBC Romania-Serbia Programme (JMC 2014-2020) were held in Bor, Serbia, consisting of representatives at regional and central level, as well as representatives of the civil society from both participating countries: Romania and Serbia.

In these two meetings, there were approved documents necessary to initiate the implementation of the program, including applicant’s guides for the first call for proposals (including strategic projects).

Interreg - IPA CBC Romania - Serbia Programme has been approved by the European Commission on 6 August 2015 and the first call for proposals will be launched on 15 September 2015, with a budget allocated of 50 mil. Euros, of which 22 mil. will be dedicated to strategic projects. The deadline for submitting the project proposals will be January 15th, 2016 and March 15th, 2016 for strategic projects.

Applicant’s guides are available on the program website and, in the next period, events dedicated to identifying potential partners will be organized.
The program continues financing cross-border cooperation on the Romanian-Serbian border area through the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II), with support from the European Union and the governments of the two countries.


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