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Deadline to submit your projector to the RegioStars 2017 call for projects

3 April 2017

10 April 2017 is the deadline to submit your project financed through Romania – Republic of Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme for the RegioStars 2017 call for projects. RegioStars Awards identify good practices in regional development and highlight original and innovative projects that are attractive and inspiring to other regions.

RegioStars Awards 2017 categories include:
1) Smart Specialisation for SME innovation
2) Energy Union: Climate action
3) Women Empowerment and Active Participation
4) Education and training
5) CityStars: Cities in Digital Transition
Finalist projects will be acknowledged throughout the selection process and during the ceremony on 10 October 2017.

Winners in each category will receive a RegioStars trophy, a short video about their project and a social media promotional package. They will also be invited to the press conference.


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