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Training Seminars on Project Development

22 September 2017

The Joint Secretariat of the Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Romania-Serbia Programme is organizing in the next period “Training seminars on project development.”

The trainings will aim the explanation of the logic link between project objectives, resources, activities, outputs and results vs. deliverables; explanation of the logic time-sequence of activities; how to set project indicators; link between project and Programme indicators; justification of costs; how to draft the work plan & how to draft the budget (Connection between activities and project budget) and explanations of concepts.
The interested potential applicants of the Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Romania-Serbia Programme are invited to join the “Training seminars on project development” organized in the following locations.

25.09.2017: Zrenjanin, Serbia (City Administration, Baroque Hall, Trg Slobode 10)
27.09.2017: Golubac, Serbia (Municipality of Golubac, Big Hall, Cara Lazara 15)
05.10.2017: Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania (tba)
11.10.2017: Timisoara, Romania (tba)


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