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Together, 500 people from Romania and Serbia enjoyed the celebration of European Cooperation Day 2018 and planted 34 trees in Oraviţa

21 September 2018

People from Romania and Serbia, project partners, residents from Oravita, consular representatives and public authorities met on Thursday September 20th, 2018 to celebrate the European Cooperation Day event for the border area between Romania and Serbia.

If in previous years the celebration of the Romanian-Serbian cross-border cooperation had a strong cultural character, this year we have chosen to sustain a greener future by planting trees in the park located in the Zona Garii street, near the "Romul Ladea" Gymnasium School in Oraviţa, an activity dedicated to the rehabilitation of urban parks and to raising the awareness of the population about the importance of the environment for us and for future generations.

On the European Cooperation Day, over 500 participants of all ages chose to spend several hours together, planting 34 trees as legacy for the next generations, in fact a symbol of the 34 Romanian-Serbian projects funded by the European Union through the Interreg-IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Romania - Serbia Programme. The children and young people who participated in this celebration helped in upgrading a green space in the city and colored the pavement with childhood stories. They were rewarded with sweets, colorful balloons and other promotional materials.

Source: Press-release


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