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Second Joint Monitoring Committee of Romania-Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme

6 March 2009

The Managing Authority for the Romania-Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme, in cooperation with the National Authority from Serbia, held the second meeting of Joint Monitoring Committee, in Vršac, Republic of Serbia, on 5 March.

The Joint Monitoring Committee aims at supervising the implementation of the Programme and is responsible for its strategic adaptation. Thus, the Joint Monitoring Committee shall ensure the quality and effectiveness of the implementation of the programme and the projects within it. The Committee was set up and is composed of representatives of the two partner states, at national, regional and local levels.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Managing Authority, of the National Authority of Serbia, of the Joint Technical Secretariat, and key players from the eligible area of the programme. On behalf of the European Commission, present at the event was Mr Moray GILLAND, Head of Operational Sector - Southeast Europe, Directorate General Regional Policy.

During the meeting it was emphasized the necessity for both partner states in the programme to make efforts in finding solutions to the problems related to the programme implementation, and for these solutions to be in the spirit of cooperation between the two states and in the interest of the programme. Also, the Managing Authority reiterated its intention to launch the first call for proposals at end- March.

The following documents were adopted At this meeting: the Rules of organisation and functioning of the Joint Monitoring Committee, the Communication Plan related to the programme, multi-year programme evaluation plan and the technical assistance strategy. Also discussed was the final form of the applicant’s package for all priority axes, and this document will be approved later.

As a rule, the Committee will meet twice a year, and its organisation will be incumbent upon one of the partner states on the basis on the rotation principle.


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