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Call For Proposals Romania-Serbia IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme

29 April 2009

The Joint Technical Secretariat within the Regional Office for Cross-Border Cooperation Timişoara, together with the Ministry of Regional Development and Housing from Romania, announces the launch of the first Call for proposals for the „Romania- Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme”. Beginning with the 30th of April 2009, all those interested in this financing opportunity for cross-border projects can obtain information by accesing the following internet pages: or A Help Desk service will also be provided at the headquarters of the CBC Regional Office Timisoara, no. 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara Street, Timis County, Romania, Tel: 004-0356-426360, Fax: 004-0356-426361, e-mail:


The European Union has allocated for this call for proposals  10.419.132 €, which represents 85% of the projects’ value, while the remaining 15% represent the national co-financing. Only in the case of Romanian beneficiaries, the Romanian Government sustains 13% of this national co-financing and 2% of the eligible expenditure of the project is sustained by the Romanian beneficiaries.


Potential beneficiaries of this programme are regional and local authorities, NGOs,  non-profit organizations, universities, research institutions, etc. and they need to be registered in Timiş, Caraş-Severin or Mehedinţi counties from Romania and North Banat, Central Banat, South Banat, Branicevski or Borski districts from Serbia. For the elaboration and implementation of a project, minimum two partners are necessary, one from Romania and one from Serbia, both from the eligible area of the Programme.


The projects identified need to follow one of the three Priority Axis of the Programme: 1 – Economic and social development; 2 – Environment and Emergency Preparedness; 3 – Promoting „people to people” activities.

The deadline for submitting the project proposals is the 29th of July 2009, 17.00 (Romanian time), at the Regional Office for Cross-border Cooperation Timişoara


Executive Director – CBC Regional Office Timişoara


Carmen HOMOROGAN – Head of HR and Communication

Mobile: 0756106189; email:                                                        Date: 29 April 2009


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