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2009 May 12, Timisoara - The kick-off conference of the first call for proposals within the Romania – Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme

12 May 2009

The kick-off conference of the first call for proposals within the Romania – Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme was held on Tuesday, 12 May 2009, in Timisoara. The event was chaired by Mr. Paul ZAI, counsellor to Minister Vasile BLAGA.

"Your large number participation confirms the interest the Romania – Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme enjoys and we expect at least an equally large number of financing requests. The challenges you have to face are different from other programmes: it is necessary to involve at least one partner from each country, discussions, meetings and consultations are necessary, a common approach must be found to make a single whole of this project but which, at the same time, must include a clear delineation of each participant`s attributions," said Mr Paul ZAI.

The Minister`s Counsellor also pointed out to the fact that "also important is to identify and include in the budgets of the organisations beneficiary of financial resources necessary to implement the project until the reimbursement of expenses, as well as the related own contribution."

The conference was attended by representatives of the National Authority of Serbia, of the European Commission (DG Regional Policy), and potential beneficiaries.

The first call for proposals was launched on 30 April 2009 and the deadline for submitting project proposals is 29 July 2009. During the period May-July 2009, a series of distinct events will be organised at local level, where the discussions will focus on the technical details provided in the applicant`s guidelines.

Within this first call, projects may be submitted by public organizations / non-profit entities, non-governmental organizations (associations or foundations), operators in the public sector or local / regional authorities from the border regions of Romania and Serbia, that meet the criteria established by the Applicant`s Guidelines and that demonstrate a clear commitment to the concept of cross-border cooperation.

The amounts awarded to the projects are between a minimum of 30,000 euros and a maximum of 1,000,000 euros, the European Union`s contribution being of maximum 85% of the eligible expenditure. The amounts corresponding to co-financing, in a proportion of 15%, will be granted as follows: 13% for Romanian beneficiaries will be granted from the state budget of Romania and a 2% will be provided from the own contribution of the Romanian beneficiaries. The Romanian or Serb project Lead partners may receive advance payments from the IPA funds in a proportion of maximum 15% of the financing contract value.

Details on this call for proposals, including the Applicant`s Package, as well as the Financing Request and all necessary documents are available on the website of the Romania – Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme -, on the website of the Ministry of Regional Development and Housing - and on the website of the Timisoara regional Office for Cross-border Cooperation -

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