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21 September 2012 - The European Cooperation Day

14 September 2012

On 21 September 2012 the European Cooperation Day will be celebrated across Europe and in neighbouring countries for the first time ever. With over 80% of all European Territorial Cooperation programmes on board, more than 160 local events will take place across Europe on 21 September and throughout the 17-21 September’s week.

The aim of the campaign, which carries the slogan “Sharing borders, growing closer,” is to celebrate the achievements of cooperation between European regions and countries. Cooperation does not stop at the internal borders of the European Union; Cooperation involves many neighbouring non-EU countries, as it is in the case of Romania – Republic of Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme.

On the European Cooperation Day, on 21 September 2012, at 7.00 pm (EET), we celebrate together in Roses Park in Timisoara the success of the European Territorial Cooperation in the Romanian – Serbian cross-border region with a super-concert. On the main stage we will enjoy the performance of The Road Band (Romania) and Bajaga I Instruktori (Republic of Serbia). The entrance is free for everybody.

The event is organized by the Regional Office for Cross-border Cooperation Timisoara in partnership with the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism and the Serbian European Integration Office, with the support of the Timisoara City Hall.

European Territorial Cooperation is a tool of the European Union that brings people together, across borders, in order to solve common or similar issues that cannot be easily managed within a single country. More information can be found on:


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