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Be part of this year’s European Cooperation Day!

12 Luly 2013

Be part of this year’s European Cooperation Day!

Join in on the celebration of European Cooperation Day by designing a poster that represents cooperation between people in Europe! Design a poster on an A3 size paper (420 x 297 mm) using any art materials (markers, pencils, paint, collage, watercolours, etc.) including graphic design software.

Who can apply? Children age 16 and under living in Europe and neighbouring countries.
Deadline for submissions: 24 August 2013.

European Territorial Cooperation is a tool of the European Union that brings people together, across borders, in order to solve common or similar issues that cannot be easily managed within a single country. By pulling together knowledge and resources, European Territorial Cooperation helps strengthen administration, transportation, healthcare, education and so much more. European Cooperation Day takes place on 21 September and celebrates the benefits and achievements of Territorial Cooperation through local events throughout Europe.

Read more.
Application form.


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ADR Sud-Vest Oltenia
European Cooperation Day
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