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The second call for proposals of the Romania - Republic of Serbia IPA Cross-border cooperation Programme has been launched on 25.03.2011

25 March 2011

The Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism from Romania in partnership with the European Integration Office from the Republic of Serbia is launching on the 25 of March 2011 the Second Call for proposals to be financed out of the EU Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) funds, under the framework of the Romania- Republic of Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme. The deadline for the submission of applications is 27 of June 2011. The allocated amount for this call is 15,3 million € EU funds.

Potential beneficiaries can apply for financing under Economic and social development, Environment and emergency preparedness (thematic call for European Union Strategy for Danube Region) and Promoting “people to people” exchanges and must be non-profit making bodies/ organizations, non-governmental organizations (associations or foundations), public sector operators or local/regional authorities. Applicants should meet the criteria laid down in the Applicants’ Guides and the projects must demonstrate a clear cross-border impact. Read more. 


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